Women And Mesothelioma Susceptibility


Have you tried opening this subject to your friends about mesothelioma disease? Try to talk about mesothelioma about this term and with no doubt they'll let you see images of their old men or few people suffering from pulmonary problems due to an exposure to of asbestos especially on shipping yards and factories engaging asbestos products.

This is the reason why men are prone to mesothelioma cancer, they outnumbered women in this kind of disease because simply they do the work while women stayed in the house. However, today studies shown that women are already susceptible in developing mesothelioma cancer.

Medical professionals and universities in US made a study several years ago and looked on some relative risk of women versus men for malignant mesothelioma cancer due to environmental exposure to amphibole types of asbestos. The study states that women in Turkey were exposed on zeolite that could develop mesothelioma disease among women. They conducted studies and differentiate the risk of women living in Turkey, those who lives  near the latter territory and those who lives far from Turkey.

It was then found out that women in Turkey engaged on some practices that puts them at high risk of developing mesothelioma such as whitewashing their homes containing asbestos. However, they also notices that lung volume influences fiber deposition and retention can put women in general at high risk of developing mesothelioma cancer. This is because women have smaller lung compared to men and can retain asbestos fibers unlike men who have bigger lungs.

Similar study was conducted in Australia, a small town but disappeared due to the presence of crocidolite asbestos mine causes the death of miners, including their family members and residents within the town. The study was noted that while men were accounted for more incidence of the disease, women are at high risk and had a steeper response on mesothelioma cancer. This also tie into the aforementioned connection between the women's lungs capacity and the retention of fibers, accompanied by the retaining of asbestos in the internal body.


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